RTZ Outline

From Rinchen Terdzö
Contents and Structure of the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo


While it is outwardly a collection of revelations, the material included within the Rinchen Terdzö Chenmo is primarily associated with formal liturgical practice and ritual performance. It is not, nor was it apparently intended to be, an all encompassing vehicle for the preservation of the treasure tradition as a whole. Therefore, the overarching structure of the Terdzö is based around the function of these various methods organized in terms of the standard Nyingma tradition’s triumvirate of Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga. Whether aimed at liberation or more mundane ends, the Terdzö is essentially a massive collection of activity manuals replete with all of the necessary auxiliary and instruction literature needed for their proper implementation. Nevertheless, though the Terdzö is not a complete collection of the treasure tradition, it does represent a strikingly accurate cross section of the history of this tradition. Thus, the Terdzö embodies the vitality of the treasure tradition and the ongoing processes of revelation and renewal that this represents.

Like most substantial Tibetan collections that were put together with the primary purpose of preserving large amounts of literature in one place, the Rinchen Terdzö is generally structured in keeping with a well-established doxography. In this case, the main body of the collection is divided along the lines of the three inner tantras of the Nyingma tradition, namely Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga. However, aside from the inherent hierarchy associated with those headings, the Terdzö is essentially a collection of stand-alone practices and thus it is structured around the functionality of these practice materials. In fact, given the predominance of liturgical literature and activity manuals (phrin las kyi byang bu or, simply, las byang), one could argue that it is a Mahayoga collection with sections for Maha-Anu and Maha-Ati practices.

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