From Rinchen Terdzö
Outline of the RTZ Project
- Research RTZ history - Mort
- Research previous RTZ Catalogs - Mort
- Edit Research and prep for intro essay on RTZ - Mort and Marcus
- Upload other scholarship on the RTZ - Mort and Marcus
- Compose the Introduction and Description of RTZ Catalog - Mort and Marcus
- Ask permissions for use... Marcus
- Define Namespaces - Marcus and Jeremi
- Public
- Everything but Draft and Admin and Conference
- Private
- Draft
- Admin
- Conference
- Public
- Design core list of RTZ Metadata - Marcus and Jeremi
- Metadata for Texts
- Metadata for Volumes
- Metadata for files??
- Design Forms, Properties and associated Templates, Stubs, etc. - Jeremi
Phase I
- Creation of a spreadsheet with all titles and basic metadata from Schwieger's catalog and the Tibetan catalog.
- Then import spreadsheet, creating all the pages.
- Add colophons for each text
Phase II
- Review each page
- Upload Unicode Tibetan pages by text title using a bot - Marcus and Jeremi and Phil
- Upload Tibetan text PDFs
- Upload cover images for texts
- Upload Tsagli
- Create Volume Pages and dkar chags
- Add cataloging information for each text
- Organize display of PDFs, Images, Tsagli, etc.
- Write Info Pages and Disclaimers
- Create Search Pages for users with Properties
- Announce Website on:
- WordPress
- DNZ link to RTZ
- H-Buddhism
- LotsawaForum