|gyatsabiowylie=cog ro lo tsA ba klu'i rgyal mtshan gyi rnam 'phrul gter ston karma gling pa ni/_dwags po'i yul gyi stod khyer grub ces par grub chen nyi zla sangs rgyas kyi sras che shos su 'khrungs/_rten sngags 'chang /_yon tan dpag tu med pa mnga' zhing mngon shes dang phrin las gang la'ang thogs pa med pa'i bdag nyid du bzhugs/_dgung lo bco lnga par lung bstan dang rten 'brel 'dzom nas sgam po gdar gyi ri lha bran gar byed pa 'dra ba nas zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol dang thugs rje chen po pad+ma zhi khro sogs kyi gter bton/_chos bdag bu chen bcu bzhi la pad+ma zhi khro'i chos skor tshang bar gnang /_dgongs pa rang grol chos skor rnams sras nyi zla chos rje kho na la gnang nas brgyud pa gsum gyi bar du gcig brgyud bka' rgyas btab/_lung nas bstan pa'i gzungs ma dang rten 'brel ma 'grigs pas zhing khams gzhan du gshegs so/_/zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol ni brgyud pa gsum pa nam mkha' chos kyi rgya mtsho nas rgya cher 'phel te dbus gtsang khams gsum dang khyad par mdo khams lho byang kun du dbang lung khrid rgyun stong mchod la sogs pa'i phrin las da lta'i bar dar rgyas su bzhugs/_bdag gis kyang legs par nos shing bsnyen sgrub sogs kyis 'brel pa bgyis pa'o
|images={{img|file=File:Karma Lingpa (R. Beer).jpg|caption=Line Drawing by Robert Beer Courtesy of [http://www.tibetanart.com/ The Robert Beer Online Galleries]}}
|archivistnotes=Son of nyi zla sangs rgyas
Latest revision as of 16:57, 28 March 2018
Karma Lingpa
Karma Lingpa was a 14th century tertön known for his expansive revelation on the Peaceful and Wrathful deities, the Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol. Commonly known as Kar gling zhi khro it remains to this day an extremely popular treasure cycle and was highly influential in the early days of Western interest in Tibetan Buddhism, as it is the source of the text popularly known as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. He was also the son of Nyida Sangye who is known for his 'pho ba revelation that would become the basis for the religious festival known as the Drikung Phowa Chenmo.