Edit Terdzo: Rgya lo tsA ba rdo rje bzang po

From Rinchen Terdzö

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Editing Rgya lo tsA ba rdo rje bzang po

Rinchen Terdzö Item Subtype

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Tibetan Full Title (unicode script)

Full Title (Wylie transliteration)

Alternate Title (Wylie transliteration)

Tibetan Alternate Title (unicode script)

Sanskrit Full Title (transliteration) if applicable:

German Full Title (from Schwieger Catalog)

Full Title Translation (if available)

Citation (Use brackets to link the author names "[[]]")


Collection in Tibetan Script


Author(s) Check the spelling of the name in the Category People here




Author(s) of the source text (the original text translated in this item)


Lead editor(s)



Director(s) of editing




Associated people

Lineage information Define the lineage information for the present work. This can be student-master relationships, etc. as far back as possible.

In Tibetan Script[edit]


Terton in Tibetan text



Author(s) of the source text


Lead editor(s)



Director(s) of editing




Associated people

Lineage information Define the lineage information for the present work. This can be student-master relationships, etc. as far back as possible.


Tibetan literary type

Tibetan genres (Check all that apply)

Terma: Is this work related to, or is a translation of, a particular Terma (gter ma):


Rinchen Terdzö Category

Associated Deity (separate multiple entries with semicolons)

Cycle of Teachings that this text belongs to (Wylie; separate multiple entries with semicolons.)

Cycle of Teachings that this text belongs to (Tibetan script)

Parent Cycle This field is for master cycles which would contain other cycles within them, like potentially the cycle this text belongs to, mentioned above. For example: "byang gter" could go in here as it contains many other cycles within it, in other words texts in the byang gter may also belong to another "sub-cycle" (Wylie; separate multiple entries with semicolons.)

Parent Cycle in Tibetan

Is this work canonical?

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Canonical reference number(s) from the citation below:
Use the Tohoku catalog numbers separated by semicolons ";".

Full citations of the source text(s) You can paste from the DRL page if available. Use bullets (*) and brackets for linking ([[]]) the citation elements. For canonical works, include a fully formatted canonical citation, see help information below the text area.

Search The Buddhist Canons Research Database from Columbia University

Enter the canonical citation for the text the book is translated from in the format detailed in this paragraph. See the bottom of this description if the text is not Tibetan or Sanskrit. You may use brackets to link names and titles as well as add links to TBRC or other editions of the text.


Here is an example of multiple citations:

  • [[Nāgārjuna]]: TITLE (P2011, Tōh.1119), TITLE (P2015, Tōh.1123), and TITLE (P2013, Tōh.1121); [[Aśvaghosa]]: TITLE (P5308, Tōh.3912); [[Vasubandhu]]: TITLE (P5559, Tōh.4058); [[Kambala]]: TITLE (P5866, Tōh.3895); Āryadeva: TITLE (P5871, Tōh.-); [[Tilopa]]: TITLE (P3132, Tōh.2303); [[Candrakīrti]]: TITLE (P5264, Tōh.3863); and others.

Here is an example of one text citation:

  • [[Nāgārjuna]] ([[slob dpon klu sgrub]]): [[dharmadhātustotra]] ([[chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa]]), Otani: (P2010), [[bstod tshogs]], ka 73a7-77b8 (vol.46, p.31), (Tōh. 1118), ka 63b5-67b3. (N) ka 70a1-74b4. (Kinsha) 10, ka 90b1 (p.47-1-1). [http://www.thlib.org/encyclopedias/literary/canons/kt/catalog.php#cat=d/1128 THL Tibetan Literary Encyclopedia]
In this case, the format is
You can find the citation information for this parameter by searching:
Search for author's names or text names in Sanskrit, if they do not appear in Tibetan, using the KH Transcription System (in the Otani search). If you cannot find it, or there is a problem with the citation, check the Canonical text citations page first, search THL and TBRC, and then leave a note for Marcus if you still can't find the citation. When you find a text on the Peking search page, enter all the information for that entry on this one line (remove any breaks and remember to change the D no. to Tōh.). The format for entering the information depends on whether there is just one text to cite, or many.

Creating Links in the Citation

To make a link for the text to another database online, use the THL website if at all possible, and resort to TBRC if not.
These links should help you in your search:
More helpful links:
The spelling of the titles can follow what is cited in the book in question by the authors or translators. If unsure of the spelling, use the Peking Tripitaka spelling, but correct the transliterated form to reflect proper diacritics.
For example, do not write nAgArjuna. Write nāgārjuna.

If you do not know Tibetan
If you do not know Tibetan and cannot fill this section out, leave a note for Marcus here.

If the work is not cited
If the translated work in question is not cited properly in the text and you can't find more information online (TBRC, THL, Otani, Google) simply leave whatever title was given in the book and add the note: - No further information given in the text.

If the text is not Tibetan or Sanskrit
If the text is an important Pali, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Theravadin, or other Buddhist work, cite the source according to prevailing academic standards in those areas of Buddhist Studies and, if necessary, leave a note about it for Marcus.

For the Pāli Canon use this basic format, modify as necessary:

  • [[Vedana-Samyutta]]. [[Saṃyutta Nikāya]] 36 [http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/index.html#salayatana AccesstoInsight]

Is this work a commentary:

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Root text in Wylie Provide the title of the commentary's <u>root text</u> in Wylie transliteration

Author of root text (Wylie)

Author of root text (Tibetan)

Commentary history Write out if this is a commentary of a commentary, etc. providing title and author info back to the root text if possible.

Is the root text cited in its entirety within this commentary?

Language the text was written in:

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Index present in this work:

Keywords Specify any keywords related to this work, separated by semicolons.

Tibetan Himalayan Library Nyingma Gyudbum Archive Link

Translations of this text

Online edition link(s) (use full URLs and single brackets ([]) for external links)

Website Provide the URL of any website related to this work.

Digital Research Library Related Pages (specify page names separated by semicolons (;) ):

Citations of Available Translations and Related Works


Volume Number

Volume Number in Tibetan

Volume Letter in Tibetan

Total Number of Volumes

Text Number Within the Volume

Text Subnumber

Master Text Number Within Collection

Page Numbers Within Volume

Total Number of Pages in this item:

Start Folio Line Number

End Folio Line Number

Total Number of Folios

Karchag Page

Number of texts within this volume

Type of volume, for Tibetan collections (i.e. pod, deb, etc.), in Wylie:

Does this item belong to a multi-volume work?:


Library version:

Number of copies of this item in the Boulder library:

Number of copies of this item in Fox Hollow:

Number of copies of this item in Kathmandu:

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Type of physical edition

Notes about this edition



Publisher in Tibetan script

Organization Organization associated with this item either in terms of it's creation or publication

Organization in Tibetan script Organization associated with this item either in terms of it's creation or publication

Place of publication

Place of publication in Tibetan script:

Year of publication:

Notes on the date of publication This can be related to the original publication of this work, as different than this one, or any other info related to other publication dates.

Copyright information If Copyright information is known, enter it here.

Library of Congress Classification Number (fetch from the LOC Website)

Library of Congress Subjects You can copy these subjects just as they appear in the publication data page of a book. If they do not appear there you can find them on the LOC Website.


Other Edition(s)


Front Left-side Text

Back Left-side Text

Archivist notes

Authorship related notes

Colophon in Tibetan

Colophon in Wylie

Colophon from Schwieger's Catalog

Notes from Schwieger's Catalog

Notes from Richard Barron (Chokyi Nyima)

Notes from the Chengdu Karchag

Notes from Gene Smith

Notes from the Terdzö Logyü

Notes from Kirigin

Notes from Peter Roberts

Notes from Tai Situ, 12th

Notes from University of Virginia

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