Pad+ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho: Difference between revisions

From Rinchen Terdzö
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(XML import of PersonCall tag for Commons querying.)
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{{RTZ Metadata
|classification=Classical Authors
|persontype=Author; Scribe
|mainname=pad+ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho
|namealtwylie=smin gling khri chen gnyis pa
|studentof=Gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje;
|teacherof=Rin chen rnam rgyal;
|images={{img|file=File:Padma Gyurme Gyamtso.jpg|caption=[ Himalayan Art Resources]}}
|archivistnotes=Son of Gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje

Latest revision as of 21:56, 28 March 2018

Pema Gyurme Gyamtso

Tertön Gyatsa Information from the Rinchen Terdzö

The full Tertön Gyatsa text can be found at the following page: Volume 1 (ཀ), 341-765, 1a1-213a4.

Name in Gyatsa: ()

Page #s for bio of this person: to

Folio #s for bio of this person: to



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