Drikung Chungtsang, 1st

From Rinchen Terdzö
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The First Drikung Chungtsang, Rigdzin Chökyi Drakpa

Kunkhyen Chökyi Drakpa, aka Drikung Rigdzin Chökyi Drakpa (1595–1659)—the youngest son of the 21st throne holder of the Drikung Kagyü lineage, Chögyal Rinchen Phuntsok (1547-1602). The Drikung Chungtsang incarnation line [refers to] the successive reincarnations of Kunkhyen Chökyi Drakpa who became the lineage holders of the Drikung Kagyü lineage, along with the Chetsang Rinpoches. The Chungtsang Rinpoches are considered manifestations of Manjushri. (Source Accessed on October 25, 2019)

Tertön Gyatsa Information from the Rinchen Terdzö

The full Tertön Gyatsa text can be found at the following page: Volume 1 (ཀ), 341-765, 1a1-213a4.

Name in Gyatsa: འབྲི་གུང་རིག་འཛིན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་གྲགས་པ་ ('bri gung rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa)

Page #s for bio of this person: 713 to 714

Folio #s for bio of this person: 187a4 to 187b1

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