Dodrupchen, 1st

From Rinchen Terdzö
Jikme Trinle Özer

The First Dodrubchen Jigme Trinle Wozer, a principle disciple of Jigme Lingpa and a chaplain to the Derge royal family, was one of the foremost Longchen Nyingtik lineage holders of the nineteenth century.
... read more at The Treasury of Lives

Tertön Gyatsa Information from the Rinchen Terdzö

The full Tertön Gyatsa text can be found at the following page: Volume 1 (ཀ), 341-765, 1a1-213a4.

Name in Gyatsa: རྡོ་གྲུབ་འཇིགས་མེད་འཕྲིན་ལས་འོད་ཟེར་ (rdo grub 'jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer)

Page #s for bio of this person: 744 to 748

Folio #s for bio of this person: 202b3 to 204b4

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