
From Rinchen Terdzö

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There are 6 works included under this title and the individuals responsible for these works are recorded based on the capacity in which they were involved with their individual contributions, i.e. as an author, revealer or source author.  +
The authorship attribution here is based on the supplication to 'gyur med rdo rje in the opening verses and the mention of gter chen bla ma in the colophon, which suggests that the blo gsal rgya mtsho who wrote this work is the same as gter bdag gling pa's scribe and student dge slong blo gsal rgya mtsho.  +
Though there is no authorship credit, I presume that the author of the text is Khyentse Wangpo based on the similarity of the colophon with that of the rgyun khyer, and it's slight deviations from Kongtrul's standard colophon style. Nevertheless, I have left the authorship blank, but please revise if more definitive authorship is determined.  +
it doesn't specify, but the Karmapa signing the second work is probably the 15th Karmapa Khakyab Dorje  +
This work combines three different treasures from three different tertons.  +
Again, this work combines three different treasures, revealed by three different tertons.  +
In this work Kongtrul apparently combines a pure vision from Dampa Deshek and a treasure from Longsal Nyingpo  +
Not exactly sure whom to attribute this work to, so I have left authorship blank until more info comes to light.  +