Edit Person: Lha btsun bsam gtan dpal 'byor

From Rinchen Terdzö

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Editing Person "Lha btsun bsam gtan dpal 'byor"

Person type[edit]


Main name in Tibetan script

Main name in Wylie transliteration

Main name in Sanskrit if applicable

Main name in standardized phonetics

Terton name in Tibetan script

Terton name in Wylie transliteration

Alternate name(s) in Tibetan script (separate with semicolons ";")

Alternate name(s) in Wylie transliteration

Person Information[edit]

Year of birth

Tibetan date of birth
Rab Jyung # (Sexagenary cycle):

Year of passing

Place of birth Add what city and country the person was born in, if known. If neither is known, leave blank.

Religious affiliation

Emanation of

Teachers If you know the person's teachers, enter them here spearated by a semicolon ";"

Students If this person has well known teachers, authors, or translators as students, list them here.

Terton Gyatsa[edit]

Does this person have a bio in the Terton Gyatsa?


Name in the Gyatsa in Tibetan script

Name in the Gyatsa in Wylie transliteration

Start Page #
End Page #

Start Folio #
End Folio #

Bio from Gyatsa (Tibetan Script)

Bio from Gyatsa (Wylie Transliteration)

Links, Images, etc.[edit]

BDRC Link (https://www.tbrc.org/)

Treasury of Lives Link (http://www.treasuryoflives.org/)

Images Add here all images of this person in the wiki, use markup ([[]] around file page names), one image per line. Use captions for images from external sources.

Himalayan Art Resources Link Or other source link for artwork used. (http://www.himalayanart.org/)

Archivist notes This field is for special notes to be left if unique circumstances require them.

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